Artav, Anti Virus Lokal Buatan Bocah Kelas 2 SMP

Jakarta - Sepintas tak ada yang istimewa pada bocah kelas 2 SMP Negeri 48 Bandung ini. Dia
terlihat biasa layaknya anak-anak seusianya yang doyan main game dan internetan. Ternyata di balik itu, Arrival Dwi Sentosa (13) menyimpan potensi yang luar biasa di bidang teknologi anti virus.

Luar biasa, perkembangan infrastruktur internet yang makin cepat memungkinkan kita menikmati video HD di Youtube maupun menguploadnya, tapi saat ini YouTube maju selangkah lebih depan dengan menawarkan kualitas “original” video yang berarti pembuat film profesional yang membuat video dengan perangkat kamera canggih bisa mengupload video original mereka dalam resolusi 4096 x 3072 pixels yang hampir mencapai 4 kali lipat ukuran 1080p Full HD. Pada gambar berikut dapat dilihat pilihan setting kualitas video yang bisa kita pilih saat melihat video di Youtube.

YouTube LeanBack Cara Baru Navigasi dan Tonton Video YouTube ala TV

YouTube yang memang pusatnya video di Internet telah meluncurkan produk baru yang menyajikan navigasi dan cara baru menonton video dari Youtube yang dinamakan Leanback. Fitur baru ini menampilkan Youtube dalam fullscreen dan untuk menavigasinya Anda tidak perlu mengandalkan mouse tetapi panah keyboard dan Enter untuk berpindah video atau memainkan video.

Founder up Being People of the YearFacebook

SAN FRANCISCO, - Mark Elliot Zuckerberg, founder of popular social networking today, up, selected the cast of this year's version of Time magazine. The founder who is now also still serves up that beat the popularity CEO Julian Assange, founder WikiLeaks, which was rocketed name.

He was elected because they have rendered to hook up more than half a billion people in the world and create social networks among them. The system he developed is considered to have to change information and changing the way humans live.

BlackBerry PIN So Social Networking Tools

JAKARTA, - BlackBerry Messenger feature is so popular and became one powerful magnets that attract customers to choose the smartphone and services from Research In Motion, Canadian, that. In fact, in its development, the current model of interaction that can only be done via BlackBerry Messenger BlackBerry antarpengguna it will not be exclusive anymore.

Research In Motion (RIM) has decided to open application programming interfaces or APIs to the BlackBerry Messenger application so that all developers can access these interactive features. Personal identity number (PIN), code that had been used only in BlackBerry Messenger (BBM) will become a tool of social networking is more extensive.

Apple pulled back WikiLeaks Applications

WASHINGTON, - Site personally disgrace WikiLeaks again facing obstacles. This time, it comes from Apple. Applications that was designed to present documentation that published confidential data WikiLeaks site was removed from the App Store due to be assessed against the rule.

"Applications must be accepted law in all countries. They should not attack individuals or particular groups," said Trudy Muller, a spokesman for Apple. He said it revoked WikiLeaks applications on iPhone, iPod, and iPad for violating the guidelines that have been defined for all of Apple's software developers.

The attack on Social Networks Will Continue to IncreaseJejaring Sosia

JAKARTA, - What will happen later in the year 2011 relating to IT security? Threat or threats what should we watch out and be like if the face of the threat in 2011?

Consider the prediction of security experts from ESET. These predictions are compiled David Harley, Director at ESET Malware Intelligence and analysts in Cyber Threat Analysis Center (CTAC), an agency that analyzes cyber threats, as well as part of a new research body set up by ESET about trends 2011.

Andai Aku Jadi Gayus Tambunan

Bone Paputungan – Andai Aku Jadi Gayus

Gm F# Bm

Sebelas maret diriku masuk penjara

Bm Em Cm Gm

Awalku menjalani… proses masa tahanan

Dm Gm Dm Bm Em Bm

Hidup dipenjara sangat berat kurasakan

F#m Em G Cm F#m Dm

Badanku kurus karena beban pikiran

Em Gm Em D Bm

Kita orang yang lemah tak punya daya apa apa

Bm Dm C Em C Em Dm

Tak bisa berbuat banyak seperti para koruptor


Gm G Bm D Bm

Andai ku gayus tambunan yang bisa pergi ke bali

D Cm C Em Gm

Semua keinginannya pasti bisa terpenuhi

G Gm Bm Gm D Bm

Lucunya dinegeri ini……. hukuman bisa dibeli

D Cm Em Cm C Em Em Gm G

Kita orang yang lemah pasrah akan keadaan

Am Gm Bm D Bm

Tujuh oktober ku bebas dari penjara

D C Em C Em Gm

Menghirup udara segar… lepaskan penderitaan

Gm Bm

Wahai saudara dan para sahabatku

D C Em Cm C Em D Dm

Lakukan yang terbaik jangan engkau salah arah

Back to Reff

Gm Bm D Dm

Biarlah semua menjadi kenangan

F# Cm Em Cm Em Dm D F# Dm

kenangan yang pahit… dalam hidup ini

Back to Reff

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Microsoft Fokus ke Komputasi Awan

SINGAPURA, - Tidak ingin kecolongan dengan para pesaingnya, salah satunya Google Inc., Microsoft Corp. kini mulai memfokuskan pada pengembangan cloud computing atau komputasi awan yang segera menjadi tren dunia.
Dalam wawancara dengan Kompas , Corporate Vice President Microsoft Corp. Orlando Ayala mengungkapkan, Microsoft sangat serius memfokuskan pada riset pengembangan komputasi awan.
"Sebanyak 70 persen dari sumber daya (Microsoft) kami kerahkan ke sini (komputasi awan). Dari total 9,5

Windows Versi Baru Dukung Prosesor ARM

LAS VEGAS, - Di tengah persaingan perangkat tablet yang semakin ketat dan pasar yang terus meningkat, Microsoft tak mau ketinggalan kereta dengan para pesaingnya. Windows yang tetap jadi andalannya pun akan beradaptasi dengan platform hardware yang paling banyak digunakan para pesaingnya.
Microsoft sudah menyiapkan versi terbaru Windows yang akan jalan di prosesor ARM yang dikenal lebih efisien dan hemat energi sehingga penggunaan baterai bisa lebih hemat. Ini merupakan lompatan buat Microsoft yang sebelumnya tetap bertahan mendukung prosesor x86 buatan Intel dan AMD. ARM memang

Speed Up XP - Top 3 Tips in Speeding Up Windows XP

How Do I Speed Up XP?
Like most people running Windows XP, there has become an increasing trend in the number of people looking for tips on how to speed up XP. The main reason for this is that the Operating System, (i.e. Windows XP) is now more than 10 years old. Having spent most of my life working with computers, I can assure you that it's nothing that the average user does that makes their computers run slower. If you think about it, the speed of your computer hasn't changed since you first bought it. So why is it so much slower now then?
Well, it comes down to one little thing called the Windows Registry. If you think of the Registry as like a telephone book that contains the names and telephone numbers of everyone listed, then you can understand the purpose of the Windows Registry. The problem starts when people move house without updating their telephone number in the phone directory, so it starts to make things a little more difficult when you need to call someone. The same thing happens in the Windows Registry, after a while, the entries become invalid because